yin yang hauteyoga

A Yin Yang Practice with Meg and Chelsea

August 10, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Join Meg & Chelsea for an exploration of yin and yang yoga. This workshop is a journey into the harmonious blend of two distinct yoga styles, designed to create balance and harmony within your body and mind.
In this workshop, you will delve into the contrasting and complementary energies of Yin and Yang. Yin Yoga, with its passive, cooling, and meditative qualities, represents the feminine, the moon, and the element of water. It invites you to slow down, turn inward, and deeply stretch the connective tissues, promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Yang Yoga, with its active, warming, and dynamic qualities, embodies the masculine, the sun, and the element of fire. It encourages you to move with strength, vitality, and purpose, invigorating your body and mind.
Meg & Chelsea will guide you through sequences that balance these energies, helping you to cultivate a sense of equilibrium. You’ll explore how to harness the dynamic flow of Yang to build strength and endurance, and how to surrender to the stillness of Yin to find peace and release. The workshop will also include guided meditations and breathwork to enhance your practice, fostering a deeper connection between your physical and emotional states. Enjoy an extended Sound Bath Savasana, with hands-on assists!

This practice is suitable for all levels.

Cost $40

Summer Series Presents Yerbana Yoga in the Park with Leah Zaccaria

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